Welcome to our website


We are at your disposal to satisfy you with funding for all your projects.

About image
  • MACH : Mickaël  Alain  Cyril  HERVE
  • We are a financial group and we offer financing services around the world.
  • 100% private financial group with over 2000 employees in the countries of Africa, Europe, Asia, America, Oceania).
  • Commercial Banking, Investment Banking, Specialized Financial Services and Insurance.





We offer loans abroad, we have a capital that will be used to grant short-term and long-term personal loans ranging from 2000 $ to 500 000 $ to all serious people being in the real need, the interest rate is 2% per year. We provide Financial Loans, Real Estate Loans, Investment Loans, Auto Loans, Personal Loans. We are willing to satisfy our customers within a maximum of 2 days of receiving your application form * Our loan offer is at an interest rate of 2% * The repayment of the loan varies from 01 to 20 years * Refund begins 3 months after obtaining the loan You can contact us by : E-mail: riviereamiel8@gmail.com and whatsapp: +44 745 811 4180 Bank terms, conditions and procedures in summary -Reply a series of questions -Provide information by filling out a form for the preparation of your loan file -All details regarding the repayment of the loan will be sent to you after completing the form -You will have to make an expense for the costs of your file to validate your loan record -You will have to sign a contract document in agreement with the bank to legally reassure the transfer of your loan and especially to reassure the bank of the repayment of the loan safely - The transfer of the amounts you wish to borrow, will be made by bank transfer to your account or by western union all depends on the loan amount.

  • 263 Rue André Philip, 69003 Lyon, France

Mickaël Alain Cyril HERVE

The Director

Cyril Pierre Canovas

The Lawyer

Riviere Amiel

The Secretary

Patricia Anne Combaze

The Bank accountant

Isabelle Johson
I am business woman and i from USA

I received a loan of 3500 $ by the Western union when my child was ill This bank my helped to save my child when he was in the hospital . I would like to thank the director of this finance company and all the staff.

Victor ducroix
je suis en France et je suis Agriculteur

Si aujourd'hui mes activités marchent très bien c'est grâce à ce structure de financement parce que aujourd'hui j'ai des machine et tout ce qu'il faut pour mon activité, j'ai eu un prêt de 300 000 € après avoir vu leur annonce sur facebook , j'ai contacté la banque puis j'ai eu mon prêt sur mon compte bancaire c'est très fiable , si vous avez besoin d'un vrai prêt cette structure est la meilleure .

oalice lorna
saleswoman , Philippines

I am in the philippines I'm 28 years old I do the trade I sell cosmetics for women . Before I didn't have a lot of goods in my shop . A friend told me about Mach finance service . To tell you the truth I was interested, but I was afraid of losing money without receiving my loan . Finally I decided to try to see if this service is real for me to do the loan. So, I did the application and I've done everything that the secretary has asked me, in 3 days I received the money for the amount of my loan by Western union I received 50 000 PESOS . I now have a very large shop with the help of this bank . Thank you

Victor Louis

Estoy en ecuador he recibido un mensaje de la propuesta de préstamo. Yo estaba en la necesidad, pero no creo que yo pensaba que era una estafa . He contactado con el banco que me respeten sus términos y condiciones y he recibido un préstamo de $ 50 000 . Era como un sueño para mí . Este banco ha ayudado a mí y estoy muy feliz con mi familia .

Stella dejesus
Eu sou um comerciante e eu moro em Portugal

Eu fui enganado várias vezes antes de tentar com este banco, eu recebi o meu empréstimo a partir deste banco e estou muito feliz por ter obtido este empréstimo. Obrigado MACH FINANCE

adelina michelle
mujer de negocios

Hola he recibido un préstamo de bgfi banco me seulemtn pagar una cuota para mi archivo . MACH es el de la financiación bancaria de los más rápidos . Sólo 48 horas y tengo mi préstamo en mi cuenta bancaria .


I am in the philippines I received the loan in MACH FINANCE SERVICE

Patricia Pavila

Meus amigos, eu não sei como me expressar, eu tentei sem esperança, mas eu recebi o empréstimo e realmente fiquei muito surpreso porque meus amigos me disseram que as ofertas de empréstimo na Internet não são sérios. Eu garanto que com este banco você terá o seu empréstimo sem problema de transferência, os procedimentos não são complicados e as condições de reembolso também.

calixte Santiago

les amis cette banque est trop fiable , moi aussi j'ai fait mon prêt chez cette banque , j'ai été victime d'arnaque une fois et j'ai décidé de ne plus jamais faire un prêt sur internet , ma petite amie m'a dit que ces parents ont reçu un prêt chez une banque sur internet et très rapide , j'ai contacté le personnel de la banque et j'ai suivis quelques étapes et j'ai enfin reçu mon prêt pour réaliser mes projets

viviane l.C
Cebu city Philippines

I can only thank every day this company that helped me find the mouse Thank you Mach finance for having granted me this loan of 450 000 PESOS

Anne-Mania Dorego
vendedor de roupas

Eu estou no Brasil, no começo eu não acredito, mas eu tomei o risco de tentar com este banco e eu recebi o meu empréstimo e enquanto eu viver eu vou continuar a testemunhar porque este banco me ajudou a sair da minha vida de pobres hoje eu tenho a minha própria atividade s graças a este empréstimo que este banco me fez

Martine Muler
United Arab Emirates - Dubai

It is with great joy that I make this testimony, and I will never stop to thank Mach finance service for the loan, I received $ 15000 at the moment I was going through a very difficult time, my husband is already died years ago and I took care of my children alone it is with this loan of 15000 $ that I took care of my children to guarantee their future

Estebane Gutierez

Estoy en México, recibí un préstamo de $ 350000 en mi cuenta bancaria, agradezco a este banco, gracias a este banco tengo mi propia empresa.

Rodrigo Malvez

Mis amigos también recibí un préstamo de 11 000 $ para financiar mis actividades, es el banco quien me otorgó este préstamo y quiero agradecer personalmente al creador de esta oferta de préstamo bancario confiable y rápida.

Junior desantos
Student in Africa

I am african and I got the loan for my studies

Mario Paul

Eu sou um estudante, meus pais estavam lutando para pagar minhas mensalidades, eu vi o testemunho de um amigo e eu também tentei e seguiu os procedimentos e eu tenho o empréstimo pela União ocidental até algumas horas e com este empréstimo financiei meus estudos. Não sei como agradecer a este banco. Este é o melhor banco para ofertas de empréstimo. Graças a este banco eu continuo a estudar e eu reembolso sem problema, porque os termos de reembolso são muito acessíveis. Eu aconselho você a solicitar um empréstimo neste banco, se você realmente precisa de um empréstimo de prata